The Redmption of Who??

Rahab. Yes, Rahab the Harlot! ( because you know no one ever just says her name on it's own--its always followed by "the harlot!" )

One might wonder why I named my Blog " The Redemption of Rahab." Although my past could be called colorful, I am pretty certain it was far from harlot status. But, long ago I read the book about Rahab written by Francine Rivers. This book shares the story of Rahab that takes place in the book of Joshua 2. What I love about the way Francine Rivers shares this story is that the focus is not on Rahabs past and status as a harlot--the focus is on how the Lord used Rahab to change the course of history. My tag line says it all "Rahab. A woman with a past to whom God gave a future."

Although I have never been called a harlot, I am a woman with a past, to whom God gave a future. And these pages on this blog share just a glimpse of how my God has been faithful to lead a nobody like me, into a life with purpose! I don't expect a big blog following and I am not even sure if anyone will read this, but I know the Lord told me a long time ago that I needed to share my story and pressed upon my heart to do it through a blog. That little nudge started over two years ago and finally after much contemplation, I am doing it. I am not a perfect woman, mom or wife---I have lots to learn and honestly could hardly be called a spiritual scholar. What I have is lots of stories of how the Lord has worked through me, on me and for me. I may blog every week, day or every other week-- I am going to let the Lord lead on that. But here it is...hope you'll enjoy the journey with me!!

1 comment:

  1. Years ago, I read Francine Rivers book...what a powerful book of unconditional love and redemption! I believe God led me to your blog Lesley, and I'm so thankful! Thankful too, that He has a purpose for my life, and that He is not done with me yet! I love you dear sister, keep on sharing your heart! I believe it will touch many lives!
